Session 1 -Play With Socia;l Fear
This coaching guide for Inner Freedom Coaching focuses on helping players achieve their big dreams by addressing their social fears and moving them out of their preservation zones. The guide stresses the importance of maintaining a light-hearted and curious approach when discussing players' fears and doubts, avoiding judgment and offering solutions. The guide also distinguishes between tasks and social play, arguing that tasks are manageable while social play is coachable and requires practice and exploration. Throughout the guide, the author highlights the importance of social fear, using it to explain players' resistance to change and their tendency to avoid taking actions that would move them towards their dreams. The guide also explores the connection between social fear and players' past experiences, suggesting that these experiences can hold clues to players' hidden superpowers and provide a starting point for unlocking their potential.
Session 2 – Pivotal Moments & Judsgement Free Awareness
This excerpt from a coaching manual focuses on the Inner Freedom Method, a technique designed to help individuals overcome internal resistance and achieve their goals. The manual introduces the Pivotal Moment Technique, a shortened version of the Inner Freedom Method that focuses on identifying and working through specific moments of resistance. It provides coaches with step-by-step instructions on how to guide clients through the process of identifying, replaying, and exploring these moments. The text emphasises the importance of creating a judgment-free space where clients can explore their thoughts and feelings freely. It also underscores the power of the imagination and the need to build trust and safety in the coaching relationship.
Session 3 -Feel The Energy & Body Beliefs
The source material provides a detailed guide to the Inner Freedom Method, a coaching technique designed to help individuals overcome self-limiting beliefs and achieve their dreams. The text outlines a step-by-step process that involves exploring past experiences, identifying body beliefs, and uncovering hidden superpowers. The method also emphasizes the importance of gratitude, seeing perfection in every situation, and shifting from a control mindset to a co-creation mindset. By embracing the flow of gratitude, individuals can align their energy with their dreams, allowing them to take action and create the results they desire. The source further explains the concept of self-preservation intentions, which are unconscious beliefs that drive behaviour and often stem from past experiences. The text offers strategies for helping players understand and overcome these limiting patterns, ultimately empowering them to live their dreams and play big in the world.
Session 4 – Memory Pop
The provided text excerpts focus on the "Memory Pop" concept, a key element of the Inner Freedom Method. This method aims to help individuals connect their current experiences with past events that might be contributing to limiting beliefs and behaviours. The text explains how memories of past events, particularly those involving experiences of being controlled or feeling unsafe, can create energetic blockages that hinder individuals from pursuing their dreams. The authors stress the importance of recognizing and acknowledging these memories, rather than attempting to fix or avoid them, in order to create a safe space for personal growth and transformation. The text also discusses how the "Energy Alignment Game" can provide a framework for understanding how to manifest dreams by aligning one's energy with their goals, emphasizing the importance of conscious mind, non-conscious mind, and social environments in achieving this alignment.
Session 5 – Explore The Superpowers
This source, an excerpt from a coaching manual titled "IF05.pdf", outlines a coaching method called "Inner Freedom" that aims to empower individuals to discover and express their unique "superpowers". The text outlines specific coaching techniques including role-playing, where the coach acts as a person the client needs to influence, allowing for observation of the client's strengths and weaknesses. The text emphasizes the importance of the coach's role in identifying and articulating the client's unique qualities, as many individuals struggle to recognise their own strengths. The author provides a "Superpower Playsheet" with a list of potential superpowers, encouraging coaches to use this resource to help clients discover and express their unique capabilities. The excerpt also highlights the value of group discussion to share experiences and insights related to the "Inner Freedom" method.
Session 6 – Find The Perfection In The Situation
This source is a guide for coaches who wish to help their players explore their self-preservation beliefs and how these beliefs may be holding them back from fulfilling their dreams. It outlines a method called the Inner Freedom Method which encourages players to examine their past experiences and identify the perfection in situations, even those that may have been difficult or painful. The method aims to help players gain awareness of their non-conscious beliefs and ultimately use their superpowers to achieve their full potential. The guide provides a framework for coaches to help their players see how past events have shaped their beliefs and how these beliefs can be harnessed to achieve their current goals.
Session 7 – The Flow of Gratitude
This coaching guide for Inner Freedom focuses on helping players expand their capacity to feel through a series of steps, aiming to increase self-awareness, reduce overwhelm, and empower players to achieve their dreams. The guide encourages coaches to guide players in noticing and feeling their physical sensations, particularly those linked to uncomfortable emotions. This process builds trust and allows players to access their inner knowing, which is often blocked by societal pressure to conform to external authority. The guide also emphasises the importance of co-creation and the safe space of belonging, suggesting that this is crucial for players to explore their inner world and develop self-trust.
Session 8 – Make Your Mind The Ally Of The Dream
This document is an excerpt from a coaching guide titled "IF08.pdf", which focuses on the concept of "Pattern Language" as a means to empower individuals and help them achieve their dreams. The guide outlines a coaching methodology, "The Inner Freedom Method", which encourages players to recognise their "Social Safety Instinct" and its accompanying "Body Belief", which often holds them back from pursuing their dreams. The method then instructs players to develop "Pattern Language", empowering phrases that align with their heart's desires, to counter the limiting beliefs. The guide also emphasizes the importance of creating a "Play Big" environment that encourages growth and social risk-taking, thereby fostering a more fulfilling and connected life.
Session 9 – Preplay The Pivotal Moment Plus: Intentional Co-Creation
This coaching guide outlines the Intentional Co-Creation technique, a powerful addition to the Inner Freedom Method. This technique encourages players to pre-play a sequence of actions and results in their imagination, visualising the impact on another person. The guide emphasizes the importance of co-creating the sequence with the player, guiding them to feel the positive energy of the desired future and tap into their "supermind" for insights. It stresses that shifting from a mindset of control to one of co-creation is crucial for personal growth and freedom, and celebrates every step of the process as a breakthrough.
Session 10 – The World Power Connection
This coaching guide, entitled "IF10.pdf," provides advice on how to help players identify and nurture their unique "superpowers" by building supportive environments. The guide encourages players to practice social risk-taking by asking others to be part of their "Dream Team" and helps them navigate challenging situations through role-playing. The guide emphasises that personal growth comes from embracing imperfections and viewing seemingly "bad" experiences as opportunities for growth. It also highlights the importance of creating safe spaces where players can freely express their "superpowers" without fear of judgement.
Session 11 – The New Super You
This excerpt from a coaching guide focuses on the Inner Freedom Method to overcome social fear. The text outlines how to use the method to address fears related to achieving success, and how to recognise situations where it can be most effectively applied. It also emphasises the importance of becoming aware of one's own inner resistance and embracing the possibility of unintended consequences. The guide encourages coaches to identify individuals with "BIG Dreams" and offer them support in overcoming their fears through this unique method.
Session 12 – Celebration
The first source, "IF12.pdf", provides coaching notes for a 12-session Life Coaching program based on the Inner Freedom Method. It outlines a framework for guiding players to reach their "Big Dreams" by celebrating successes, exploring disappointments, and fostering a judgment-free environment. It also emphasises the importance of the coach's certainty and confidence in their ability to support and challenge players, ultimately helping them achieve their desired outcomes. The second source focuses on the specific elements of the Inner Freedom Method, including its emphasis on observation, co-creation, and guided practice. It also highlights the significance of Energy Alignment and the coaching relationship, which is characterised by a balance of support and challenge. Finally, it concludes by suggesting that by mastering the Inner Freedom Method, coaches can empower themselves and their players to reach their full potential.
Thank You
This excerpt is a celebratory message from a life coach, Dave, to his coaching clients and fellow coaches. He reflects on the success of a 12-session program designed to empower individuals to become "co-creators" of their dreams and unlock their unique potential. Dave highlights the program's emphasis on overcoming fears, embracing playfulness, and achieving inner freedom. He concludes by expressing gratitude to his fellow coaches and calling for a collective effort to rehumanise society through co-creative freedom and individual empowerment.